Scottish Music Parade – Deutschland
7. Pipegeflüster der Dudelsackschule | Dudelsack Veranstaltungen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
Die Scottish Music Parade ist eine Veranstaltung zur Verbreitung und Erhaltung der schottischen Musik in Deutschland und den umliegenden Ländern. Ein Zusammenschluss vieler Dudelsackbands und Solisten aus Schottland, Deutschland und den Nachbarländern ermöglicht diese eindrucksvolle Show und bietet den Zuhörern und Fans einen musikalischen Abend der Extraklasse. Für Bands und Solospieler, egal ob Piper oder Drummer ist es ein großes Highlight, bei diesen Events mitzuwirken. Ideal um Auftrittserfahrung zu sammeln.
Neben der Erstattung der Reisekosten und der Hotelübernachtung, bekommt der Musiker noch ein Honorar, um die größten Spesen zu begleichen. Bands ab einer bestimmten Spieleranzahl verdienen zusätzlich noch ein attraktives Honorar. Alle Infos über Vergütungen können vom Veranstalter der Scottish Music Parade eingeholt werden.
Welche Voraussetzungen sollten die Teilnehmer haben?
- Die Musiker sollten eine gute Kondition haben und auch über ca. 30 Minuten spielen können
- Die Musiker sollten fähig sein, Standard tunes sicher spielen zu können
- Auch ein paar schnellere Stücke wie zB. Jigs werden gespielt, sind aber keine Grundvoraussetzung
- Das Laufen zur Musik und während dem Spielen sollte gegeben sein
- Spaß an der Sache und Lust auf neue Erfahrungen sind die Voraussetzung
Calling out Pipers and Drummers!!! We are looking for pipe bands and individual members to join us on our Winter tour of Germany. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to consider coming along on the tour.
The Scottish Music Parade is a 2 hour touring concert involving a Pipe Band, Highland dancers and band Aceltica. With a mix of modern and traditional pieces. The tour has been running from 2011 and we have done over 200 gigs in Germany and throughout Europe. We will be playing in some stunning venues throughout Germany in the winter tour, and due to covid restrictions our audiences will be maximum 1200 people. We are doing a 32 gig tour from beginning Oct thru to end of Dec. 21 This will involve 8 smaller tours and a total of 400 artists taking part. A full breakdown of our tour can be seen at www.germantickets.de
We are now inviting Pipe Bands that would like to take part to contact us and we can discuss further. We take a 30pc Pipe Band on every tour. If this is too much for your band to provide on their own, you can opt to share with another Pipe Band taking 15 each, if this is still too much we are accepting individuals, we would be most grateful if you would share amongst your membership who might fancy a cultural trip away. There is an opportunity for small pockets of 3 or 4 players from your band to come along.
A band fee is payable per concert. There is also an opportunity for the pipe band to sell merchandise if they provide the lions share of members for any tour. Between the fee and merchandise there is a serious opportunity for the Pipe Band to generate significant amounts of money. In the case of a hybrid band consisting of two bands or a collection of individuals the fee is split per player, so if you provide 10 players its 10/30s of Band fee. We also supply flights and hotel accommodation. Any PCR tests required are also covered.
The tour is well known throughout the Pipe Band World, we have had representatives from the Worlds leading bands, through to graduates of the RSAMD, and the National Youth Pipe Band, through to old veterans who just want to dab their hand in it. It’s what makes the tour special is the mix in backgrounds, all different abilities gelling together as one.
We strive to produce first class concerts, and the show is well acclaimed in Germany. At the same time we like to deliver this, by making the experience as fun as we can for the bands and individuals. The focus is very much on fun whilst touring and making sure the guys have a good time. Many have came on the tour as boys and returned as men. We have a full covid procedure in place and are happy to address any concerns prior to committing. As things stand no PCR is required for travel. No visa is also required post Brexit.
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Viele musikalische Grüße
Andy & Team
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